This is the formal announcement made through Earth Save's Meet Up page:
Vegan Potluck South-NEW TIME-Humane Foundation
Humane Foundation
Hialeah High’s Humane Youth Lead’s purpose: create a safer-greener- and humane environment in school and the world. Also personal growth in four main areas: Character development and healthy living, Positive human relations, Social Justice, and human rights, Environmental responsibility and sustainability, Respect for animals, their liberation from human use and exploitation. Humane Education Week includes: Awareness Monday, Kindness Tuesday, Green Wednesday, Action Thursday, Vegan Friday
Speaker: Michel Estopinan H.S. Teacher and Humane Educator; Founder of The Humane Foundation; Winner of the 2009 National Award Best practices on Character Education for his Youth Lead Clubs and Humane School Initiative; Michel organizes *EARTH-tra-VEGAN-za* an event day Celebrating all LIFE. He supports a plant-based diet in the school and the creation of in-school organic edible gardens.
Coral Gables Congregational Church (Fellowship Hall - Enter- Columbus Blvd) : 3010 De Soto Blvd. 33134 (across fr. Biltmore Hotel)
Bring 8-10 portions of healthy* vegan food and washable place setting
*prefer organics- exclude meat, fish, eggs, dairy, GMO’s, honey, transfats, hydrogenated oils, nano or chemical additives
Members, Kids & First-timers: Free Guests $5. $1 No Plate Fee $8 No Food Fee
Everyone welcome! Taste Share Learn
Unsure what to bring? Simple organic green salad, large beverages or fresh fruit. Raw fooders welcome. Reheat available.
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