2- The Youth Lead for a Humane World Clubs
3- VEGAN Fridays
The Humane School Initiative is the Award Winner Program of The Humane Foundation, Inc.
Each year, as part of the National Schools of Character (NSOC) program, CEP recognizes educators in the United States and elsewhere who have implemented unique, specific, and effective character education strategies. CEP honors Promising Practices recipients at the annual Promising Practices ceremony at CEP’s National Forum and in the annual NSOC publication.
The Humane School Initiative is the Award Winner Program of The Humane Foundation, Inc.
Each year, as part of the National Schools of Character (NSOC) program, CEP recognizes educators in the United States and elsewhere who have implemented unique, specific, and effective character education strategies. CEP honors Promising Practices recipients at the annual Promising Practices ceremony at CEP’s National Forum and in the annual NSOC publication.
Promising Practices put one or more of the 11 Principles into action. Learn more by downloading our 11 Principles of Effective Character Education
The Humane School Initiative (HSI) seeks to inspire youth to be aware of our impact on others, animals, and the environment through our daily actions, and make informed humane choices so that they can help create a humane world and consequently a safer, greener, and more humane school.
The Humane School Initiative (HSI) seeks to inspire youth to be aware of our impact on others, animals, and the environment through our daily actions, and make informed humane choices so that they can help create a humane world and consequently a safer, greener, and more humane school.
The HSI School Committee
Even when the HSI can be run through the Youth Lead for a Humane World Club, it is recommended that a school committee is established to facilitate the implementation of a comprehensive humane education program school wide.
These are the suggested members of the HSI Committee and a brief explanation of their functions.
Administrator Coordinator: Coordinates, oversees, and facilitates the development of programs, activities and events. Supports and enforce school wide initiatives for energy, water, and water management, reduction, reusing, and recycling of paper and other school supplies.
School Cafeteria Coordinator: Coordinates, oversees, and facilitates the availability of vegan food choices on the days agreed by the committee. Look for the implementation of a green management of waste disposal (food, containers, etc. ) energy and water efficiency at the kitchen and more.
School Custodian Coordinator: Coordinates, oversees, and facilitates the coordination and implementation of recycling programs. The ordering and use of green cleaning products that were not tested on animals.
The PTSA Coordinator: Coordinates, oversees, and facilitates the communication with parents to support the committee programs, activities, and events. Organize fund-raising, and the Humane Parent Academy.
The Faculty Coordinator: Coordinates, Oversees, and facilitates the infusion and implementation of Humane Education in the curriculum across the content areas. S/he also promotes green-humane initiatives in the classrooms.
The Clerical Staff Coordinator: Coordinates, oversees, and facilitates the implementation of green-humane initiatives in the different school offices.
The President of the Youth Lead for a Humane World Club: Reports on the programs, activities and events planned by the club and seeks the support of the rest of the Coordinators to facilitate their implementation.
The Sponsor of the Youth Lead for a Humane World Club: Is the coordinator of the committee, calls for meetings, prepares the meeting agenda, and facilitates the progress of the meeting. S/he may choose a co-coordinator to help with the meeting minutes, record agreements, and other organizational needs.
Seeks to form a youth lead who wants to change the world from the school up. Youth to take an active role in finding solutions to the school problems so that we can have safer, greener, and more humane school environments.
By doing this, we are helping to form a new generation of leaders who will bring humane values to their homes, their communities, and their workforce so that we can contribute to build a safe, sustainable, and humane world for all sentient beings, human and non-human, we share the planet with.
Seeks to form a youth lead who wants to change the world from the school up. Youth to take an active role in finding solutions to the school problems so that we can have safer, greener, and more humane school environments.
By doing this, we are helping to form a new generation of leaders who will bring humane values to their homes, their communities, and their workforce so that we can contribute to build a safe, sustainable, and humane world for all sentient beings, human and non-human, we share the planet with.
The Youth Lead for a Humane World or YLHW is a students’ club that plans school wide programs, activities, and events to accomplish the purpose of the Humane School Initiative.
Mission: to create a safer, greener, and more compassionate school environment.
Instrument: Humane Education.
Vision: A safer school where students treat each other with respect and kindness. A greener school that cares
to reduce its negative environmental impact. A compassionate school that stands against the cruelty and
suffering of all sentient beings including animals.
to reduce its negative environmental impact. A compassionate school that stands against the cruelty and
suffering of all sentient beings including animals.
1. Social Justice Committee (Blue Team): Its aim is to create a safer school environment by implementing
programs that help reduce or eliminate hate, violence, bullying, name calling, intolerance, discrimination,
negative peer pressure, and/or any other behavior that prevent positive human relations or threatens the
school safety.
programs that help reduce or eliminate hate, violence, bullying, name calling, intolerance, discrimination,
negative peer pressure, and/or any other behavior that prevent positive human relations or threatens the
school safety.
2. Environment Committee (Green Team): Its aim is to create a safer school environment by implementing
programs that help reduce the school carbon’s footprint, minimize solid waste production, implement the three
Rs (Reduce, Reduce Recycle) to the use of schools supplies, paper, water, and other resources; incorporate locally produced organic
food and/or growing organic edible gardens, and other green school initiatives.
programs that help reduce the school carbon’s footprint, minimize solid waste production, implement the three
Rs (Reduce, Reduce Recycle) to the use of schools supplies, paper, water, and other resources; incorporate locally produced organic
food and/or growing organic edible gardens, and other green school initiatives.
3. Animals Rights Committee (Red Team): Its aim is to bring alive the educational status of being kind to animals, creating a more compassionate school environment by implementing programs that educate the school
community about the cruelty and abuse inflicted upon animals in various industries such as food, clothing, experimentation, entertainment, sports, pets, etc. Shows, promotes, and implements the available alternative
to animal products, by-products, or any other uses of animals.
community about the cruelty and abuse inflicted upon animals in various industries such as food, clothing, experimentation, entertainment, sports, pets, etc. Shows, promotes, and implements the available alternative
to animal products, by-products, or any other uses of animals.
*Culture and Change: It is a component that reviews in each committee our responses to the issues of social
justice, animal cruelty, and environmental degradation according to our cultural programming. It promotes critical thinking, and invites students to evaluate their choices and the messages they receive from peers, corporations,
media, etc., so that they can make more informed choices.
justice, animal cruelty, and environmental degradation according to our cultural programming. It promotes critical thinking, and invites students to evaluate their choices and the messages they receive from peers, corporations,
media, etc., so that they can make more informed choices.
Membership is open to all school students without regards of race, body type, ethnicity, language, gender, sexual orientation or identity, ideological-philosophical- political-or-religious affiliation or creed. We welcome visionaries, progressives, idealists, dreamers, artists, gigs, designers, musicians, world changers, innovator, critical thinkers,
problem solvers, and most importantly, those who stand for social justice, environmental responsibility, and for a compassionate and humane treatment of animals. Those with a sense of service and dedication to do what is
right in order to have a better school, a better community, and a better world.
problem solvers, and most importantly, those who stand for social justice, environmental responsibility, and for a compassionate and humane treatment of animals. Those with a sense of service and dedication to do what is
right in order to have a better school, a better community, and a better world.
Members should show a proper moral character that reflects the values of our club at all times specially when
wearing the club shirt or when participating at any club event or activity. Poor character, three consecutive
absences, or not participating in the club events may result on the dissolution of membership.
wearing the club shirt or when participating at any club event or activity. Poor character, three consecutive
absences, or not participating in the club events may result on the dissolution of membership.
Members show their genuine interest in joining the club by submitting the club dues. Club dues are $15.00
collected once a year at the moment of joining the club.
collected once a year at the moment of joining the club.
the club fees will cover the one time screen charges of the shirt. The price of
the club shirt will be announced when the design is complete and
I- Week One: Twice a week. (Teams and All members meetings)
- All teams meet in one day, and then there is a second meeting where all members meet to report on the Teams agreements.
- One team per day meets and then there is a second meeting where all members meet to report on the
- Teams agreements.
II-Week Two: Humane Education Friday, where sponsors, members, or a guest speaker offer a special humane
education presentation.
education presentation.
Officers meeting: Officers meet the first school day of the month, and again if needed.
There are four special meetings during the school year: First Official Club Meeting, Take the Pledge Meeting,
Introduce a Friend Meeting, Awards Ceremony Meeting.
Introduce a Friend Meeting, Awards Ceremony Meeting.
Members in good standing need to maintain a proper attendance to be able to receive the club benefits. The
member will receive a monthly report card or certificate with the amount of hours volunteered per week
including club meetings, school activities and events. The member will receive a separate certificate for each
community service activity s/he engages in. These report cards and certificates will be presented at the end of
the school year to receive the community service hours, and the end of the year WORLD CHANGER CERTIFICATE
and a recommendation letter. Students who abandoned the club before the end of the year meeting won’t
qualify to receive their World Changer Certificate and the recommendation letter.
member will receive a monthly report card or certificate with the amount of hours volunteered per week
including club meetings, school activities and events. The member will receive a separate certificate for each
community service activity s/he engages in. These report cards and certificates will be presented at the end of
the school year to receive the community service hours, and the end of the year WORLD CHANGER CERTIFICATE
and a recommendation letter. Students who abandoned the club before the end of the year meeting won’t
qualify to receive their World Changer Certificate and the recommendation letter.
Every hour invested in the club, whereas in club meeting, and club activities and events count for community
service hours. It is required that members participate in at least one community event or service per month, and
one drive per month.
Is a philosophy and lifestyle that seeks to exclude the use of animals for
food, clothing
or any other purpose.
or any other purpose.
Reasons for
becoming a VEGAN ::
- - Human Health
- - Ethical commitment or moral conviction.
- - The environment
- - Spiritual or religious concerns
If not every
day, at least try it on FriDAYS!!!
- When dressing up, make sure you don’t wear leather, fur, wool, or silk
- - Use hygiene or beauty products that are VEGAN and not tested on animals
- - Have a VEGAN breakfast at home, at work, or at school.
- - Talk to friends you are participating in the VEGAN Friday and explain them what is it about. Try to motivate friends to try it next Friday.
- - Go online and request free VEGAN materials and share them with friends.
- - Create your own DID YOU KNOW? Index Cards and write facts many people ignore about animals used for food, experiments, entertainment, clothing, etc. Share a humane alternative.
- - Eat VEGAN at school or at work. Bring your own VEGAN lunch or Look for the VEGAN Lunch Line if there is one, and try the available VEGAN meat substitutes in the menu.
- - If you are at school and you have a class doing dissection ask your science teacher to let you do an animal free alternative to dissection. If you are a teacher use a non animal alternative to dissection.
- - Pick a VEGAN recipe, take over your kitchen at home and surprise your family with a VEGAN dinner or,
- - Go online and find a VEGAN restaurant near -by. Try something new and different, but most important, animal free.
FRIDAYS are better for yourself, for the animals, and for the environment.
VEGANism is the FUTURE
is an initiative of The Humane Foundation.
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