MOGO. The Humane Foundation adopted the MOGO principle as its main philosophical stand. MOGO is short from MOST GOOD, and it implies doing the most good and the least harm through our daily choices, our acts of citizenship, our communities, our work, our volunteerism, and our interactions. By doing this we create inner and outer peace. (MOGO is the leading principle of ZOE WEIL, author and founder of the Institute for Humane Education)
IMAGINE if people everywhere were committed to MOGO living. IMAGINE if socially responsible, humane, and environmentally sustainable companies and institutions became the norm.IMAGINE if governments stopped subsidizing corporations and systems that pollute and destroy,and instead supported initiatives to create sustainable, clean energies and technologies. IMAGINE if we promised each other and ourselves that we would solve the problems we've created and improve all of our lives in the process. IMAGINE the world we would create. IMAGINE the joy and inner peace we would experience.
We are already on the way to creating such a world. The question is, will we succeed?
The answer begins with each of us, which means it begins with you and me"
~Zoe Weil in MOST GOOD LEAST HARM p. xiv
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