Saturday, July 21, 2012

MOGO Tip: Practical Suggestions for Embracing Responsibility

Zoe Weil in her book MOST GOOD LEAST HARM, MOGO for short, makes some suggestions for embracing responsibility.

She recommends to:

1- Pay attention to your thoughts and language, and notice if you are using words and phrases that blame on others, deflecting responsibility from yourself.

If you find yourself thinking or saying, "So and so did such  and such to me, " or If only ___ would stop ___." or "Everything would be fine if ____, " try reframing the situation to become aware that you are responsible for your responses and your choices. 

Meditation teacher Eknath Easwaran reminded people that no one irritates another rather, people allow themselves to be irritated. As soon as you find yourself ready to blame another, look inward. How can you take responsibility for your own joy and live according to your own values?

2- Acknowledge that you choose your actions. Nobody determines how you will act other than you. With this awareness you can make conscious choices and thereby accept responsibility for what you say and do.

3- Remember to take responsibility for your attitude. 


You can read more on Zoe Weil's book: MOST GOOD, LEAST HARM. A Simple Principle for a better World and Meaningful Life.


HUMANE FOUNDATION: This entry applies to the Humane Foundation Elements ONESELF, and OTHERS.

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